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Boo and I love it there! We went shopping today and then to see Pride and Prejudice. Boo can blog her own thoughts on it (as if she actually blogs) but I thought it wasn't nearly as bad as last time.
Then we walked back to Benihana for dinner. I had sushi, finally! I miss being able to eat it as frequently as I'd like. Mostly because I think sushi should be a social event and lately it's been solitary. Anyway, sushi for dinner followed by STUPIDLY big ice cream cones at T. Sweet. Then a walk back to Dupont. It was a great night! The picture here is one of an amazing exhibit that was showing in one of the windows. This can't begin to capture intricate design and execution of this painting. It's one of the reasons that I love Georgetown. All the odd people and art. And now I must bowl. Nick and Rae await.

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Our First Thanksgiving!

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Boo and I haven't updated this in forever. Forgive us. Please. We want you. We need you. Oh, baby. Oh, baby.

Yesterday we Ate. Not just eating, you see. We Ate. I made Pumpkin Cheesecake. Turkey. Boo's Yams. It was all amazing. And then the power went out so we all talked in front of the fire for a while. It wasn't an eventful day but it was comfortable. Everybody helped with dishes and cleaning. We had funny conversations about what to eat and what we had eaten. Thanks to Aly and Amber I know more things about pumpkin than I ever have.

And that was our Thanksgiving. We all loved it. No pretense, no boys (sorry, Dad. You don't count). Just the girls, good food and good conversation. Not a great adventure but a great day.

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