Cherie's Christmas Cookie Party
Friday Surprise
Our Best Photo Yet

Festuvus for the Restuvus/Cajun Christmas 2007

And You Wonder Why I Read My Horoscope
Dr. Longstreth's Holiday Party
I met Camille at her house so we could walk to Longstreth's together. Her place is so cute and is close to Meridian Park, a new discovery for wha-la. I am dying to go back during the day to avoid the rumored crack whores so I can take photos.

Photo Shoot Friday

Big Naughty Debut

An open letter to online daters who are MARRIED.
Dear Donkeys:
You. Are. Married. That means no more dating. No more flirting or asking girls to dinner. No more promises of developing a relationship. No! MORE! Know why? Because you chose to be MARRIED. Married. I think you need to keep reading it. How you're attached until death (usually) to the woman you decided you loved enough to stop all the crap you're talking about now.
Is it boring for you? Oh. Poor babies. I don't care. Not my problem. Buy a book. Buy a movie. Take her to Tahiti. Just leave me out of it.
And while we're on the subject, it's not helping that you're lying and spending time on the computer while "trying to fix things." I don't care that "she doesn't understand" you. When I asked you at the beginning of the conversation "Are you married?" and you said, "No. I'm divorced." or "No. I'm single." you exhibited the very behavior that made her stop trying.
Here's an idea--it's not her that's not understanding. It's you. You're not understanding her need for fidelity and trust. You're not understanding that the more you stare at porn or some chick on the screen that you're intimidating her. You! You're the one setting up the crazy ideals and inflicting the problems. You!
Because you know what?! She believed that you loved her enough to stay true. That you were the one. And she trusted you to keep it that way. To hold her above all others and treat her like a queen. So when you log onto wherever and look at Jenna spread-eagled and moaning her brains out, you're breaking a sacred trust. And the silly this is that she's still trying? How do I know? BECAUSE YOU'RE STILL MARRIED. If she'd stopped trying, you'd be divorced.
Beyond that, you're pissing me off. I asked. I did my due diligence. And then to find out later that it was all lies doesn't build a great basis for our "friendship" or our "honest attraction."
Screw you and stay away from me. Lose my screen name. Lose my first name. Just erase me from your memory because you creep me out and I don't. date. married. guys.
I don't chat with them. I don't entertain friendships that aren't offshoot, casual friendships based on a close one with YOUR WIFE. I don't fantasize. I. do. not. entertain. the. idea. of. cheating! NO! So just stop, married guys. Get of the dating websites. Get out of the online flirting game. Get out of the "single and looking" rooms. You're not welcome there. Know why? You're married.

In Loving Memory
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- Clever
- Cherie's Christmas Cookie Party
- Friday Surprise
- Our Best Photo Yet
- Festuvus for the Restuvus/Cajun Christmas 2007
- And You Wonder Why I Read My Horoscope
- Dr. Longstreth's Holiday Party
- Photo Shoot Friday
- 6 months to go until...
- Big Naughty Debut
- An open letter to online daters who are MARRIED.
- Victory!
- Destined
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