Cat Farm-Cat Farm! Life on the Cat Farm!

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Unless you are a cat lover, life on the Cat Farm may not seem all that appealing, but, let me assure you, with Mary, Zu, Bart and Arnie around, there is never a dull moment.
The girls are great company. They are avid listeners and love to help.
A few days ago, Zu heard Dad mention he forgot to buy fertilizer for the garden. So what did she do? She strolled right over and personally fertilized the tomato plant. Unfortunately, she didn't get the response, I'm sure she was looking for, from Dad. I tried to persuade Dad Zu was just trying to help but when she pissed on the seed packets two days later, I believe Dad felt vindicated. That Zu!
Bart and Arnie are like feline Wonders of the World. I have never seen two cats more devoted to one another. They consistently weave their bodies around each other in this beautiful, fluid motion. Their behavior reminds me of Paolo and Francesca in Dante's Divine Comedy. Instead of lovers, Bart and Arnie are sisters, trapped in this completely dependent relationship that's totally reciprocal. Dad thinks their behavior is a defense mechanism against predators like coyotes or dogs but I'm not certain I buy that. The coyotes have migrated to another area, for now, and there aren't really any dogs around either. I prefer to believe they are just special cats and we are lucky to have them with us. Dad does not appreciate cats the way I do and believes Bart and Arnie would be better off living elsewhere. If I get my way, Bart and Arnie will be a permanent fixture on the Cat Farm.
Life on the Cat Farm is not all work and no play. Zu and Mary love to join me for a nice afternoon on the deck where we stretch out and lie in the sun.
Zu loves to play hide and seek. She does this by sneaking under my beach towel whenever I'm not around. When I return and see a lump under my towel I call out, "Where's Zu?" Zu always waits a few seconds before peaking her head out from under the towel. I am going to miss that.
Mary Bear is still the model cat; skinny and elegant. She quietly struts around the place imposing her will subtly on anyone in her path. This month Mary and ZuZu celebrated their tenth (in human years) birthday. I can't believe they have been with us a decade. It seems like yesterday we were cuddling them in our hands, waiting for them to open their eyes. I hope they are with us for ten more. The Cat Farm would not be the same without them.

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Aaah, family.

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I love Britain's Got Talent. My favorite act of the year? Stavros Flatly. Not familiar? Well, feel free to avail yourself.

Here is there initial performance:

And the semi-final one to follow!

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My New Snack Obsession

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I have Rae Rae to thank for my love of these delightful gummy snacks. She purchased some during our road trip to The Grand Teton National Park and I have been enjoying their fruity flavors ever since. If you are searching for a yummy, low-calorie snack, reach for these. You won't regret it.

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Deep Thoughts

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There is a hill on my Dad's farm I have designated as my thinking place. Every evening around 7pm I hike "my" hill. I sit and ponder the important questions of life, i.e. what does my life mean? Where am I going? What's my purpose? Am I doing what I was intended to do?
I don't think I have ever received a single answer to these questions but yesterday I did have an epiphany regarding male names I find acceptable for a future romantic partner.
I have already discussed this with Stephanie, however, I am curious to know if others have experienced similar thoughts or if I have totally lost my mind.
Andrew-Every Andrew, Andy or Drew I have met or dated has been wonderful.
Sam-Sleepless in Seattle, need I say more?
Elliott-Every Elliott I know is intelligent and successful. It was also my Mother's maiden name.
Dan- I know a lot of good men named Dan. Also, Daniel Pearl is one of my heroes.
David- Never dated a David but I love David in the Old Testament because of his loyalty and humility.
Paul-I went out with a Paul at BYU. Not only was he handsome but very well-mannered
George-There are so many amazing men named George. I can't remember every meeting a George I didn't like.
Levi-I love Jewish men and this is one of the hottest Jewish names ever!
Palmer-I love Jimmy Palmer on NCIS. I know it's silly but I love it when they refer to him as Palmer instead of his first name, Jimmy.
Greene- Family name
Grey-Images of an academic in tweed, a bowtie and glasses come to mind. Sexy!
Graham-English bloke with scruffy hair, five o'clock shadow and a JCrew wardrobe. What more could a girl ask for?

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Ms. Kenley Faith Davis entered the world and became the newest addition to the Davis family. Her mother, Brittany Webb Davis, was my favorite cousin on my Mom's side of the family. I always stayed with her family during our family reunions.
Kenley's older sister, Riley Grace, is cradling her in the photo below. It's obvious Riley is going to be a great big sis to little Kenley.
Congratulations to the Davis family and to Brittany, especially. I am so proud of you!

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A Few Things I Miss in Mississippi

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Besides my condo, my bike, ballet, Whataburger (the store on Highway 49 is the best), the beach, my Primary kiddies, the few friends that I have there, the survey, and my laptop, here are a few photos of some other things I miss tonight...
My Barbie kite:
Amanda surprised me with the Barbie kite after a horrible workday. It was the perfect gift at the time for reasons I will not bother discussing. I have flown Barbie at least twice since March and hope we have many more days at the beach before the year ends.
Catching frogs:
I love catching frogs. I can't explain it. I just know I love it! They are so soft and harmless. I like to feel their little bodies expand and contract as their lungs fill with and release air. I also enjoy the way Jennifer reacts each time I catch one. The idea that a frog could rip someone's face off amuses me and I miss hearing her scream each time I approach her with one.
Although she is only nine years my senior, Jennifer has become like a mother or an older sister, to me. Every evening when I ride my bike she faithfully waits and watches me from the parking lot until I return to the complex. She often walked me to my door and would stay for late night chats. I would give her candy and water and, in return, she would leave little flowers on my car or notes under my door.
She was always there in the morning waiting to send me off to work. Stephanie and Joy may remember Jennifer. She is wonderful to all my guests but is very protective of me when it comes to my male guests, not that I have very many.
For example, Jennifer warned Ben that he came over too late. Needless to say, that was the last time he watched movies at my apartment-EVER. I don't mind though. I'm just glad that she cares.
She is a great friend who makes living at The Ocean Club a little less lonely. I can't wait to see her again.

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So! In order to post these I had to use a crappy file conversion program. Please don't judge on the quality of the photos!

Today Amber, Rae and I went on an adventure to Grand Teton National Park. And for the first time in my WHOLE OUTDOOR LIFE I saw a moose! Three, actually. They're so tall! I love them. Also, because they're moody--just like me. I think I've discovered my totem animal.

And we saw a grizzly. Right off the road! Amber hiked a big snow bank in flip-flops to get some shots. We were told she was 4-years-old! So cute! Yahoo for national parks!

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