Aaah, family.
I love Britain's Got Talent. My favorite act of the year? Stavros Flatly. Not familiar? Well, feel free to avail yourself.
Here is there initial performance:
And the semi-final one to follow!
My New Snack Obsession

Deep Thoughts

A Few Things I Miss in Mississippi
Although she is only nine years my senior, Jennifer has become like a mother or an older sister, to me. Every evening when I ride my bike she faithfully waits and watches me from the parking lot until I return to the complex. She often walked me to my door and would stay for late night chats. I would give her candy and water and, in return, she would leave little flowers on my car or notes under my door.
She was always there in the morning waiting to send me off to work. Stephanie and Joy may remember Jennifer. She is wonderful to all my guests but is very protective of me when it comes to my male guests, not that I have very many.
She is a great friend who makes living at The Ocean Club a little less lonely. I can't wait to see her again.
So! In order to post these I had to use a crappy file conversion program. Please don't judge on the quality of the photos!
Today Amber, Rae and I went on an adventure to Grand Teton National Park. And for the first time in my WHOLE OUTDOOR LIFE I saw a moose! Three, actually. They're so tall! I love them. Also, because they're moody--just like me. I think I've discovered my totem animal.
And we saw a grizzly. Right off the road! Amber hiked a big snow bank in flip-flops to get some shots. We were told she was 4-years-old! So cute! Yahoo for national parks!
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