Chippendales & Chipmunks

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Dad: "I'm going tease your Aunt Linda and Aunt Lois about spending all their money in Beckley."
Me: "It's OK if they want to spend their money."
Dad: "I gonna tell them I know why they went over spend all their money on the Chipmunks."
Me: "Dad, why would they spend their money on seeing the Chipmunks?"
Dad: "You know...that group of guys that have bow ties and no shirts?"
Me: "Yes...Dad, those are the Chippendales."
Dad: "Chippendales...Chipmunks...Same difference."

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Happy Birthday Daddy!

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Happy 61st Birthday Daddy! I hope you have an excellent day and a fantastic year. I love you and hope we will be together to celebrate many more of your birthdays.

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