Babies and Bunnies

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Earlier this week I received an email from my cousin Brittany with these photos attached. Kenlee Faith looks right at home in the snow. At six months she is a fashionista sporting darling snow wear for her first snow.
Madison is looking every bit the snowbunny in her camo snow suite holding Ms. Rylee Grace who is not outdone by her older cousin. They make playing in the cold, wet snow look fun. I am almost tempted to join them.

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Field Photo 2.3.2010

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Meet Cow Cat. My initial thought, when I saw this cat was "Holstein!" I even called it cow. Imagine my surprise when I learned from the owner's friend that it's name, indeed, is Cow Cat.

Cow Cat was so loving and playful. Although there were other cats hanging around none of them approached us, let alone allowed us to pet them except for Cow Cat. Cow quickly became the highlight of the afternoon, thus, earning her place as the field photo of the day. We love you Cow Cat!

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Love in Ocean Springs

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Constructed in the 1920's, Lovelace Drugs, located on Washington Avenue in Ocean Springs is a local institution worthy of note. A two-story, early-twentieth century commercial structure with decorative brick detailing, a Coca-Cola mural (left facade), a lovely concrete cornice, and a decorative seal displaying the construction date, Lovelace is an architectural gem.
Meg and I surveyed the old pharmacy two weeks ago. While doing so, we noticed a soda fountain through the large store windows. Vowing to investigate, we did just that last Tuesday (January 26th) after an afternoon of surveying.
This is when we met David whom I would wager makes the best strawberry milkshakes on the Gulf Coast hands down. I was so impressed with David's mad milkshake-making skills that Meg and I convinced Mandy and Hugh they had to try one for themselves.
Knowing David works on Tuesday afternoon we all piled into Lovelace for an afternoon treat.
We were not disappointed. Hugh ordered chocolate while Mandy got a caramel shake. To my delight, there were no complaints.
A Senior at Ocean Springs High School David moved to Ocean Springs six-years ago from Japan where his Dad was stationed with the US Navy. David is well-mannered and efficient; two characteristics that encourage future business from repeat customers.
After graduation he will begin his undergraduate studies at the University of Arkansas where he hopes to complete a degree in Engineering. Until then, we plan to become more acquainted with the red and chrome swivel stools at Lovelace Drugs, especially as the temperatures rise, watching David work his magic making milkshakes that rival Mississippi's finest.

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