Field Photo 4.30.2010

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Photo Courtesy Hugh McAloon
During lunch I received a text message with this photo attached. I think I will call it Mandy's web. An appropriate conclusion to a month of interesting field photos. I wonder what May will bring.

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Field Photo 4.29.2010

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Photo Courtesy Meg Richardson
Meg snapped this photo while we were surveying Harbor Drive yesterday in Ocean Springs. Boats are stored in a multi-storied metal "butler" building across from the boat dock. I assume people who wish to store their boats pay a storage fee. When they want to use their boats they call the storage facility and the boats are unloaded via a forklift, like the one shown in the photo, and they are placed in a boat lot at the dock.
I'm sure the forklift operator has a lot of experience unloading boats but I have to admit, the way the boat was bouncing on the lift made me a little nervous. Luckily, nothing happened except Meg got an awesome photo of a "flying" boat in Ocean Springs.

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Field Photo 4.28.2010

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I have no idea who he is but we see him everyday, navigating the avenues of Ocean Springs on his bike. When I saw him coming our way yesterday, I tried to stop him for a picture. Instead of stopping, he rode around in circles until I could get a decent shot. Bike dude is a man of little words and his name remains a mystery but he has an air about him that I envy; carefree.
Thanks bike dude! See ya around Ocean Springs.

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Field Photo 4.26.2010

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We, meaning Meg, Mandy and I, agree this photo should be called Cock of the Walk. This afternoon, as we were making the hike back to the car we noticed Hugh had his shirt tucked into the back of his pants. When someone asked Hugh about it, Mandy explained, "That's Hugh's rooster tail." Hugh is the only man in our four-person team or the only "rooster in the hen house and bears our teasing well." So well, we often joke he's "one of the girls."
So in honor of "our rooster," Hugh's "cock walk" is the field photo of the day!

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One Week From Today...

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is the 136th annual Kentucky Derby. Just in case you were wondering, twenty-one horses will be contending in this year's Run for the Roses. They are:
Awesome Act (15-1)
Tempted to Tapit (15-1)
Caracortado (12-1)
Dave in Dixie (15-1)
Sidney's Candy (9-1)
Noble's Promise (20-1)
Dublin (12-1)
Eskendereya (5-1)
Discreetly Mine (15-1)
Aikenite (30-1)
Ron the Greek (20-1)
American Lion (20-1)
Jackson Bend (15-1)
Super Saver (12-1)
Rule (12-1)
Conveyance (14-1)
Lookin' At Lucky (5-1)
Setsuko (25-1)
Odysseus (15-1)
Ineractif (20-1)
Ice Box (15-1)
Although I haven't finished researching each horse, if I were going by names alone I would put my money on those in purple. Eskendereya and Caracortado just sound like Derby-winning names. As for considering the odds. Well...that's the beauty of the Derby; anything's possible.
Although I won't be in Kentucky I will be watching all the pre-Derby coverage which will air on NBC beginning at 5PM EST. Rascal Flatts will be singing the National Anthem, so Rae Rae may want to tune in. Post-time is scheduled for 6:15PM EST.
Derby pie, great company, listening to My Old Kentucky Home play as the horses parade across the field...All I can say is seven days, seven hours and nineteen minutes can't pass quickly enough. I know where I will be on Derby about you?

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Field Photo 4.22.2010

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Today Amanda and I surveyed this purple Craftsman front-gable Bungalow with its lovely partial-gable porch accented by decorative beams and an eight light fixed wood window, massive brick columns and a secondary projecting side gable. In addition to the exposed rafters peaking beneath the eaves, this house had gorgeous multi-light double-hung wood windows. Additions extend from the rear but are veiled by the heavy foliage that surrounds the main facade of the house, making it difficult to photograph the house from the left and right oblique sides. The turquoise wood entry door contrasts against the purple clapboard and painted brick of the house in a fun, innocent manner that is inviting instead of being a turn-off.
This may sound silly but a house like this makes me happy inside. I don't know who lives in this bungalow but kudos to them for the tlc they've given their purple abode.

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This morning Meg and I were discussing last night's episode of Justified a tv drama which airs Tuesday evenings on the FX channel. Other than NCIS, I do not watch tv. However, a friend suggested we check out Justified because the story is set in Harlan County, Kentucky.

As I was telling Meg, the highlight of last night's show was when Raylan Givens, played by Timothy Olyphant, answers the door in a pair of jeans that sit a little low, kinda like the shorts he's wearing in the photo above. Just low enough to show off the "v." Ladies, you know what I'm talking about. This photo is nice but, believe me, it doesn't do Mr. Olyphant justice. I don't know what it was about him in that pair of jeans, shirtless, but ladies it totally justified the time I spent watching tv instead of reading or doing a million other worthwhile things.

And to justify posting this photo I'll say I'm doing it for Meg because she missed last night's episode and she won't understand my excitement unless she sees a photo, right? Just-i-fied.

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Field Photo 4.19.2010

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This afternoon we stopped by Sonic for their half-price "Happy Hour" drinks, which is awesome by the way. Large drinks are ninety-seven cents and served with doo-doo ice. You may be asking yourself, "does it get any better than this?" and the answer is, "yes, it does," because as I pulled into order my drink we, meaning Meg, Mandy, Hugh and I, noticed the dog beside us had sunglasses on. Jumping out of the car, I asked the owner's permission before snapping the photo. While doing so, I observed the sunglasses had been fashioned to fit the wide bridge of the dog's nose. As I shared my discovery with the team all I could think was "good dog; good owner."

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Field Photo 4.13.2010

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This week we have been surveying on Bowen Avenue in Ocean Springs, which is a lovely neighborhood lined with some of the town's more historic homes. This afternoon Mandy and I surveyed this home which is individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places as "The house at 1112 Bowen Avenue." Unlike many other historic homes listed in the National Register, this home was not named after its former occupants. Mandy and I agreed this was not only disappointing but kind of depressing too.
I am not sure what I would name the home if given the opportunity but I love the octagonal dormer that projects on the half story, the brick pier foundation visible in the rear, the white clapboard siding, the green operational shutters, the two tapered columns on the wraparound porch, the Queen Anne entry door with single-light transom and the decorative brackets beneath the eaves.
Ms. Carver, an elderly lady that lives a few houses down, told us the postman used to occupy this house and he would blow a whistle to warn people he was approaching their house to deliver mail. Knowing this, perhaps an appropriate name for the house would be, "Whistler's Corner" or "The Postman's Perch." I am curious to hear others' thoughts or suggestions. If this was your historic home what would you name it?

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Field Photo 4.12.2010

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This afternoon Mandy and I had the pleasure of meeting Tony and Bella while surveying in Ocean Springs. Although Bella has an impressive vocabulary, today her favorite word was beep, as in "beep-beep," which is the noise Tony's motorized chair makes.
Bella was also being a little camera-shy today. It took several attempts to get a descent shot. I like this photo because you can see the adoration in Tony's eyes as he watches his beloved bird. I also like the way Bella is posing for the camera. She kinda has this coy look about her.
Interacting with wonderful people like Tony and their pets, often we interact more with peoples' pets than with them, is often the highlight of my workday. Don't get me wrong. Working with Meg, Hugh and Mandy is always a pleasure but its especially nice when we make a positive connection with the people we are working to serve. Thanks Tony for sharing your beautiful Bella with us.

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Field Photo 4.7.2010

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Photo Courtesy Hugh McAloon
Crazy Hat Survey Ladies, Amber and Amanda, on the steps of the "Ole Mary C." building in Ocean Springs. Although it was rather warm yesterday, I am wearing a long sleeved shirt (my Dad's) to protect my arms from burning. The hat is for my face. It is difficult to determine in this photo but my nose, cheeks and arms were lobster red from surveying the day before. Hooray for surveying in the hot Mississippi sun!

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Field Photo 4.6.2010

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I received this photo from Amanda this afternoon while I was en route to the dentist office. Unable to join the team in the field today, Mandy, Meg and Snew sent me a photo to be used as today's field photo. Thanks for thinking of me and terrific photo Snew Bear!

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A show of support.

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This guy won't leave my side today. You see, his Whisperer is in distress and he can't live until I express it for him. So, Cat Whisperer, here is some furry love from afar.

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I mean, really?

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Ah ha! She's alive! She's out of the newly wed cave! And posting! Ok, don't die. Turns out, I have time again. Most things are unpacked and organized and the rest of it can wait. The office is still a bit mad--we have three laptops and two desktops in there alone. Not counting the other computers floating around the house. Ahhh, geek marriage.

Anyway, that's now what I'm here to post about. Have you ever taken a photo that it makes no sense to love and yet, you do? That's how I feel about this one...

That is 7/8's of a duck. With no real amazing angle or anything else. And yet? I love it. I love the purple-blue on the wing, the texture of the feathers and, yes, the missing head.

I can picture the plum sauce more easily that way.

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Field Photo 4.2.2010

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The best place to eat in Ocean Springs is Government Grocery. Meg and I had lunch at the Grocery twice this week. Never a disappointment, if you are ever in Ocean Springs stop by. Tell Johnny Meg sent you. You won't regret it.

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Field Photo 4.1.2010

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Photo Courtesy Amanda Burke
Spring has finally arrived on the Gulf Coast and I couldn't be more grateful after the long, dreary winter we endured. Mandy snapped this photo yesterday while we were surveying in Ocean Springs. Lovely!

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