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Last Thursday afternoon, Kristy, Charisse and I traveled to Louisville to see the musical Wicked. Although I was familiar with the story before Thursday, I had never taken the opportunity to see it. I am so grateful to Marlow who graciously gave me his ticket and to Kristy for the invitation to join her and Charisse.
The set was impressive, the costumes lovely, the music fun and the cast
was fabulous. The energy of the auidence was incredible and made watching the show even more enjoyable.
Donna Vivino was a fantastic Elphaba but Chandra Lee Schwartz stole the show as Ga'Linda, or Glinda. Richard H. Blake made a handsome Fiyero while Richard Kline was a fun, but insensitive Wizard.
Although I enjoyed all the music I loved 'Popular' and 'For Good.' I absolutely wanted to steal Glinda's white suite, hat and heels and the dragon would be a cool addition to the Cat Farm. I'm not sure how musicals performed off Broadway compare, but I am curious to find out. If anyone's interested in a quick trip let me know. New York City in the fall would be, well...wicked.

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Something New

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Last Friday, while beating feet in downtown Washington, I decided to escape the heat by touring the National Aquarium located in the basement of the Department of Commerce building across from Federal Triangle. Much to my dismay drinks are not allowed in and cannot be purchased once inside. There is also a nine dollar entry fee to tour the aquarium, a collection of tanks arranged in a horse-shoe pattern.
While wondering the u-shaped aquarium corridor questions flooded my mind, such as, "this is our NATIONAL aquarium?" "Would it be more effective to combine the aquarium with the National Zoo?" "Why is it located in the basement of the Department of Commerce?" "Wouldn't a more effective use of this space be for storage or offices?"
Perhaps these are silly questions. I am positive I am not the first, and definitely will not be the last individual to question the location of the aquarium or its status as our NATIONAL Aquarium. Despite its size or content, if you're on the Mall and need a break from the sun check out the National Aquarium. The lines are a fraction of those for the museums and if you don't mind parting with nine dollars you can witness rats being fed to baby alligators, before walking away with that philanthropic feeling of I did something good today. I know I did.

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Pizza Paradise

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Late last night I returned from a weekend trip to Washington that would have been impossible without the kindness of my Uncle Jerry. Saturday, as we were walking back from Georgetown we passed Pizza Paradiso's new location on P Street. Per Jerry's recommendation I decided to grab dinner there later that evening. I was not disappointed. The place was packed, always a good sign, and the food was excellent. I snagged a seat at the bar overlooking the large ovens in the rear where pizza "chefs" sported t-shirts with 'Eat Your Pizza' printed across the back. I couldn't decide if the phrase was intended as a command or encouragement. Either way, I obeyed and did just that. The only thing left on my plate were the fresh tomatoes I picked off my pizza.
Sooooo...should you find yourself in Washington, pounding pavement in Dupont or Georgetown, with a craving for pizza look no further than Pizza Paradiso. Like Papaleno's, its pizza paradise.

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Happy Birthday...

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to Mary, "tink" model cat
and ZuZu, "fatty" bootiful girl!
This month our baby girls turn eleven. Since we can't remember their exact birth date we are going to do little things throughout May to celebrate. Yesterday, our "party" girls sported flower chockers around their necks. Today? Who knows?

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Spoiled Rotten

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Although Dad and I assembled it we're not the ones enjoying the new hammock.

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On the First Day of My Demob...

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I helped Dad hang the Seabee flag I bought for him at the Air Force base in Pensacola, Florida. It looks so nice floating beneath the Stars and Stripes.
I played with the cats in the backyard. A row of irises blooms every spring along the left-side of the fence. They are so lovely, I wish a row grew on the opposite side as well.
Laying down in the grass, Mary decided to take advantage of the situation by laying on my tummy. This is a close-up photo of our model cat.

Following a cat nap Dad and I assembled our new hammock, which sleeps two. We have agreed that the best location for our new acquisition is on my back stoop, which is perfect for laying out because there is little shade and plenty of privacy. One of my number one priorities this month is trying to erase the horrible tan lines I have incurred over
the past six weeks or so. I currently have a white "v" on my chest where my lanier rests around my neck. Sound sexy? Didn't think so. This is why I will be spending mucho time in this king-size hammock. Jealous? Don't be. Just join me.

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Things That Make You Go Hmmm...

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Two-story, double-galleried, variation of a Katrina Cottage with an asphalt shingle, gable-on-hip roof and Hardy Plank cladding. We spotted this pre-fabricated home on our return trip to Biloxi this afternoon just north of Gulfport on US Highway 49. I snapped this photo with my Blackberry.
Despite differing opinions of the populace, not a soul can argue the presence of Katrina Cottages have failed to significantly influence the built environment post-Katrina, shaping the future of the Mississippi Gulf Coast in ways that can and will only be measured years hence. It will be interesting to see if this two-story variation will be as popular or unpopular as its one-story predecessor.

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Peeping Kitty

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Photo Courtesy Meg Richardson

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For Steph

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Just for the record, not one of them is mine.

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