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Labor Day weekend I met Joshie and Lauren in Atlanta for the Erasure concert at Center Stage. Before the show we grabbed dinner at the Vortex. If you enjoy a good burger in a place with

great atmosphere visit the Vortex! Trust me, you won't regret it.

We arrived early and were able to be up front the entire show. Josh and Lauren even touched Andy Bell, Erasure's lead vocalist, who began the show wearing a helmet and red blazer.

Keeping with tradition Andy shed his helmet and red jacket bearing his buff arms for the crowd.

Vince Clarke has been touring with Andy Bell for ages. Clarke plays guitar but has also authored many of the lyrics for Erasure's hits.
Although Erasure played a majority of the songs from their new album, "Tomorrow's World," they also played many of their classics, which made the entire evening worthwhile. That, and spending the evening making memories with family. Love you Harry!

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