Moonrise Kingdom

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Saw Moonrise Kingdom Saturday with Joshie and Lauren at the Kentucky Theatre. Typical Wes Anderson film about teenage angst. Probably would have appreciated the film more if I could have heard the dialogue better. Love the Kentucky Theatre but the sound quality was substandard for this film showing. Costumes were perfect. Appreciate Ed Norton but thought Jason Schwartzman would have been a better fit for his role. Glad I saw it. Might see it again. I would recommend skipping the big screen for a Netflix or a Redbox rental.

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Saw it. Loved it. Bawled through the end of it. Avoid seeing this movie if you have recently lost a loved one. Happy the emphasis was on family relationships instead of romance. Enjoyed all the characters. Laughed out loud in parts. Appreciate Kevin McKidd was the voice of Lord MacGuffin. Think they should have renamed his character Lord McKidd or just Kidd which sounds much better than MacGuffin.
If you are trying to escape the heat and humidity buy a ticket, a large Coke and settle down in a cool, dark theatre for this flick. You won't regret it.

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Feast Your Eyes...

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on the new Trader Joe's in Lexington, Kentucky! This morning I had the opportunity to attend the Grand Opening celebration which, I am happy to report, was well attended. There was a live Bluegrass band, flower lais everywhere and complimentary product sampling too. I tried Trader Joe's Cookie Butter for the first time in my life and liked it. If I had the metabolism of Michael Phelps I probably would have purchased some.

Nonetheless, I did not leave empty handed. I purchased low fat chocolate cat cookies and a jar of almond butter flavored with sea salt. I normally go for the ginger cat cookies but discovered, while comparing the nutrition labels, the chocolate cats had less calories and fat than the ginger cats. Who knew?!

This morning was also the first time I had shopped Trader Joe's since residing in D.C. I miss my trips with Stephanie to the location in Tysons Corner, VA where I would stock up on pumpkin seed granola which is amazing with light vanilla soy milk and fresh peaches.

Although I have mixed feelings about being home, I am grateful for the opportunity to witness Lexington's commercial growth and hope Trader Joe's is here to stay.

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"Put Some Pork In It"

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Like any other Southern gal I love good bbq coupled with some down home sides. Double H BBQ in Lexington, Kentucky provides both. The pulled chicken "meal deal" is my personal favorite. The chicken is lean and juicy lacking fatty grissle occassionaly present in bbq. The sweet potato fries are homestyle with a dash of cinnamon sugar instead of salt and the baked beans are some of my favorite. The corn pudding and green beans (taste just like Granny's) are also good. The potato salad is a mixture of new potatoes and eggs with a dollop of mustard. Although potato salad is not my thing, the large chunks of potatoes and eggs are a sure indication its homemade.
Located at 1244 Versailles Road this joint is currently open for lunch only. Although, it has plenty of seating the service is so efficient it could also be classified as "fast food." Located within minutes of downtown and UK's campus, it's ideal for folks who want to escape the office without fighting traffic.
If you are thinking about stopping by, say, "Hello" to Nan.
 Tell her Boo sent you.

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Photo of the Day

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I am a creature of habit. I thrive on routine. Everyday, without fail, I visit National Geographic's website to check out the "photo of the day." I enjoy seeing pictures of exotic places, peoples and cultures I hope to experience but may never have the chance to in my lifetime. These images, while visually stimulating, are a powerful reminder of the world that exists beyond my own.
Today's image was especially meaningful to me. The photo, according to the caption, was taken at the Roman Amphitheatre in Jordan. I have actually been to this amphitheatre! I have climbed the ancient rows of stone stairs and walked around the top gazing out on the surrounding metropolitan landscape. I remember the sights, sounds and smells of the city and I wonder, with longing, if anything has changed since my visit. Change is inevitable and yet this Roman amphitheatre has survived change for thousands of years. How many people have tread this single spot and will my feet stand where this woman does years from now? I certainly hope so. Until then, my daily dose of National Geographic will have to do.

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My Fitness Pal

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Earlier this week I learned about an app that aids individuals in tracking diet and exercise in the ever challenging pursuit of developing a healthier lifestyle. The app is called My Fitness Pal. It was easy to find and is accessible online at
I started using it today to track my caloric intake. I am anxious to see how well I do at staying within my boundaries to accomplish the goals I have established for myself. Only time will tell. If you are looking for an intuitive fitness app My Fitness Pal is definitely worth checking out.

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This week...

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 Anthropologie announced plans to open a store in the Lexington Green shopping mall answering my longtime dream of a Bluegrass location. Long overdue, Anthropologie is scheduled to open their doors early 2013. According to a recent article, the store will be located in the space currently occupied by Disc Jockey. It is anticipated four to five additional retail stores will be joining the Lexington Green retail family. Although nothing has been confirmed, it is rumored one of these mystery stores will be Urban Outfitters. Could it really be true? First Trader Joe's. Second, Jason's Deli and now Anthropologie? Now all Lexington needs is a Potbelly's and life will be complete. Sort of...

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