Everything is More Fun...

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when Stephanie's in town. Steph flew in Friday afternoon for a brief visit. To kick-off her stay, we celebrated with dinner at the California Pizza Kitchen (CPK) in the Tysons Corner Mall. Gavin, our hot South African friend, made an appearance. I snapped this photo of Gavin and Steph shortly after he arrived. Everyone comes out when Steph has a party. Looking at this photo it is easy to understand why. There is never a dull moment.

Following dinner everyone headed to Stephanie's house for games. When Mormons congregate for parties there are always games. Perry Young (pictured above) is the King of Scrabble. Stephanie, before moving to Montana, beat Perry at one game. It was such a sweet victory she scanned the score sheet into her computer. She keeps teasing Perry she's going to post the evidence on her blog. Having witnessed the event, I can't wait to see it.

Perry's luck was challenged again on Friday when Hugh and Charlene teamed up for an entertaining Scrabble match. They say that by small and simple things, great things are brought to pass. Well, who knew the word "week" could catapult a team into sure victory? I didn't but I witnessed it on Friday. After Charlene put down W-E-E-K on the board there was no stopping the dynamic duo.
Finally, here is a photo of the Scrabble losers. I can't recall if Perry or Stephanie came in second and third, respectively, but Duane and I had the lowest score. I thought we had a chance when Duane used our "Q" to spell Queen, but alas, it was no match for Charlene and Hugh. I am not a competitive person so I didn't mind losing. I was having so much fun teasing Duane I found it difficult concentrating on the game. From this photo, ladies, I am sure you can understand why.

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Stephanie said...

I have GOT to get to Manuel. Good hell! How does your hair look so hot and mine always looks DEAD?!

Boo said...

Your hair does not look dead but I think you should see Manuel just because he is so hot. I love you and miss you sooo much. I can't wait until May. I am counting the days.

Rae said...

You know...he doesn't look like he minds losing all that much...probably because he is being teased by such a hot blonde! As Steph would say: WOOT!

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