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Although I have already posted these photos on Facebook I thought I would blog about the game Justin, a friend from work, and I went to last night. I have been looking forward to seeing the Nats play the Tigers for weeks. Normally watching the Tigers play would not excite me but they were in the World Series last year and have a good shot at returning this year.
Justin won the tickets in our office raffle. The seats belong to a man at Dewberry and we were grateful to L.R. for giving up his seats for the evening so we could sit just to the left of home plate as the photo above demonstrates.

Screech, the Nats mascot, was often in and out of our section. I snapped this photo during the first inning. He returned at least three times after that. I even got my photo taken with Washington's famous bird.

During lunch Justin, in preparation for the game, purchased two pounds of salted peanuts. Fate was on our side because I was able to sneak in not only this huge bag of peanuts but two cans of Coke. I know the security guard saw the peanuts but she just waved me through. I was astounded! I will never drink Pepsi at a Nats game again. Yuck!

Meet Andy and Jim; a father and son duo who are die-hard Nats fans or baseball fans at least. Jim and Andy owned the seats they were sitting in last night when the Nats were the Senators. That was from '61 to the late '70's. They purchased season tickets, choosing the same seats, when the Nats began playing at RFK again two years ago. They were so cute I couldn't resist talking to them. I told them I was going to write about them and they both agreed that was fine.

Grabbing the camera, Justin decided it was my turn. Justin teased me all night by knocking my sandals off my feet, pretending he was angry and threatening to leave me, and then taking photos of me, like this one. Despite his unacceptable behavior I had a nice time. Good music, good food, we ate at Celebrity Deli before the game (oh my gosh!) and good seats! I need to marry a man with season tickets. Enough said.

The Nats were down 9-2 until the ninth when they scored five runs. It was a terrific inning. Here's a shot when the bases were loaded. This may have been taken in the eighth, though. Anyway, the Nats lost by one run, much to our dismay. However, we stuck it out to the end and had a great time battling the crowds to the parking lot and out to 395 where I was reminded, looking at the monuments, of how much I missed living in DC. Perhaps one day it will be my home again. For now, I'll settle for Virginia.

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The Keeffers said...

Sounds like you had an awesome time!! I am so excited to come see you, we are on and all clear for fri night. WOOOO HOOOO it is your

BIRTHDAY!!! love ya boo

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