Flashback Friday

Really. Really. Bored.
And it's not like I don't have 10,000 things to do. Cause my desk is full, my house is only 1/2 moved, I'm going away for the weekend and I haven't packed and I'm still just sitting at my desk, staring at my screen feeling bored.
I think it may be the antihistamines. But, what do I know? I'm just bored.
you know what they say, "better late than never." So last week we had a surprise birthday party for Matt, who by summer's end was fondly referred to as Matty-Matt-Matt. Matt was our summer intern from James Madison University. His professionalism knew no bounds. Matt wore a tie to work almost every day. Unbelievable.
As the cake demonstrates, Matt enjoys playing golf. We actually went to the driving range, back in June at Oak Mar. It started raining but that didn't stop us. We swung through the wind and the rain and had a great time, or at least I did. Matt is such a chill guy, you never have to worry about feeling awkward or silly around him.
Saturday morning, Eve, Camille and I decided to meet for brunch at Belga Cafe near Eastern Market. A co-worker from Dewberry recommended it and the food and atmosphere was a welcome change from the overcrowded, noisy, Bread & Chocolate, which I find too commercial anyway. Belga is known for their Belgian waffles, which come with assorted berries, or bananas and Nutella. Eve and I tried "The Eggs," which were delicious.
Wednesday night, after having dinner with Jerry, I received a phone call from Shawna, saying she was coming into town the following evening. Why she wanted to hang out with me, instead of spending a quiet evening at the hotel I will never know. I was grateful, however, she rescued me from the fate of another evening home alone, where the only excitement in my life is an occasional David aka "hot workout guy"-sighting or actually speaking to Stephanie on the phone instead of communicating through IM or emails. Such is the life of a recent graduate, who's best friend lives in Montana. Aghhh!
Although Shawna wanted to spend the evening in Alexandria, I asked her if we could hang out at Tysons instead. She agreed, and we had a wonderful time eating dinner at the Nordstrom's Cafe, my new favorite place. I introduced Shawna to the grilled chicken & strawberry salad with black cherry vinaigrette dressing that is to die for. I don't even like black cherries but I LOVE this dressing! If you have not experienced dining at the Nordstrom's Cafe, DO IT NOW! I took Kate there last weekend and she loved it too!
The morning of the wedding was pretty chill. Mom and I got up, ran some errands and then met Dad, Ronald and Linda back at the apartment so they could pick up Lauren's dress and veil. Josh had never seen the dress and Lauren wanted to make sure it was a surprise for the wedding.
Anxious to arrive in Frankfort as soon as possible after Dad, we hopped in the truck and headed up to the mansion. We had no makeup on, our hair was not done, and we were dressed in jersey dresses. I had flip flops on and looked like the biggest redneck ever. It was so humid I didn't want to get ready until I arrived at the mansion, because I was afraid my make-up would melt off my face. That is how humid it was.
Leaving early was a blessing and curse. We got in a car accident about five miles from my mom's apartment. As if this wasn't bad enough, we rear-ended a Krispy Kreme doughnut truck. Who does that anyway? Since the accident the first question people ask is, "did you get any free doughnuts?" I just look at them like, are you crazy? Who can eat after their in a car accident? I was so shaken the last thing on my mind was food. The most ironic thing about the entire episode was the driver climbed out of the truck, approached my window and introduced himself by saying, "Hello, my name is Clayton Howell." What the hell is that? Now the ass is trying to say he sustained injuries from the accident. Like hell he did. Anyone can tell by looking at our truck that we suffered the most on impact. My neck has been stiff ever since and he says he was injured? Men.
The Friday before the wedding was hectic, as anyone may imagine. As I mentioned previously, I went from the hospital to the rental place and then on to Berry Hill to set up for the wedding and rehearse for the ceremony.
To illustrate what it's like living in Kentucky and also driving there I snapped this photo from my uncle's truck. We followed this car for almost five miles and not once did the driver make an attempt to pull over and close their trunk. It was incredible. How do people like this obtain a driver's license?
Thursday morning I got a call from my Uncle Jimmy saying that my Aunt Anna, his wife and my father's younger sister, had fallen and was on the way to the UK Medical Center. This was totally unexpected and we were all very worried about her because she complained that she had no sensation anywhere below her waist. Fearing the worst we waited by the phone for updates.
Unable to visit her Thursday evening, my Uncle Ronald, my Dad's younger brother, and my Daddy picked me up and took me to the hospital. Anna's three children, Matt, Kim and Angie drove down from Columbus, Ohio to be with their mother. They say that everything happens for a reason and I would like to believe that the good thing that happened as a result of Anna's complications is I was able to see my cousins whom I have not seen in several years. The photo above is of Matt, myself and Angie. Not only were Matt and I born the same year, only three months apart, we both have the middle name of Aaron/Erin. We have always been fond of each other and I think he is the most handsome of all the male cousins.
Like his father, he married his high school sweetheart, a beautiful blond named Anna and they have two children, Alissa and Braydon.
I caught up with one of my lifetime friends, Desiree. We met in Young Women's or during middle school and were pretty much inseparable through high school. I love her family and treat them like my own. Well, actually I treat them better than my own, but I love them like my own.
Desiree's younger sister, Denisha, is an excellent photographer and since marrying Rodney, has established her own business. Lauren, my new sister-in-law, saw her work and hired her on the spot. I was so grateful Denisha was shooting the wedding because, other than my family and Josh's law school friends, I really didn't know many of the wedding guests. When she wasn't taking photos, Denisha told me about Desiree and Chuck.
I had heard about Chuck before. Standing 6'9", he is a guy Desiree met at a bbq. He took her out for her birthday and they have seen each other every day since. He treats her like gold and she said spending time with him is "so easy." He calls her and she calls him and they plan their week together. They each do things with friends but they see each other at least once everyday. I asked if they were exclusive and she said they were.
I congratulated her and then we browsed the James Allen website together. Tiffany's will always be my favorite but James Allen is a close second. Every woman should check it out despite her relationship status.
The photo above was taken in front of the Provo Temple where Desiree volunteers. I love that we both served temple missions and we both have worked as temple workers in the Provo Temple.
Emma and Xander are Christian and Jenny's children, Desiree's older brother and sister-in-law. They are so beautiful and I can't wait to meet them when they finally get back to DC. So many good things to look forward to. Life is good.
Since I don't own a television and there are a few movies my mother has been dying to watch with me, I spent a lot of time catching up on movies we rented from the library. New rentals are a dollar and older movies are free. I love public libraries!!!
The first film my mother made me watch was a saga based on Colleen McCullough's 1977 best selling novel, The Thorn Birds. It was horrible. I would not recommend it to anyone. After the first dvd I wanted to move on to another movie, but NO. My mother and brother are similar in many ways. For instance, they both get this sick satisfaction from forcing people to watch crappy movies. They won't take no for an answer and no matter how much you moan and groan, they insist you sit and not only watch the movie but enjoy it.
After I finished the fourth, you heard correctly, dvd, my mom asked, "did you like it?" I am not sure how long I sat there with my mouth gaping open and my brow furrowed in confusion, but I finally managed a "hell no," followed by, "what's wrong with you? How could you ever think I would enjoy a story like that?" We each accused the other of having no class, which is something we often do when we disagree about movies and then moved on to The Painted Veil; which also showed the leading male's bare backside. No complaints here. The Painted Veil, although extremely depressing, is one of the best movies I have ever seen. I have never cared for Edward Norton, but in this movie he is so F-INE. Oh my goodness, he totally delivers and I LOVED him for it. Perhaps its the hair or the vintage clothing he wears or maybe it's both but one thing is for sure, he can paint my veil anyday. Naomi Watts was fine but Edward Norton, like Campbell's soup, was Hmmm... Hmmm... GOOD.
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