August Fourth

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The morning of the wedding was pretty chill. Mom and I got up, ran some errands and then met Dad, Ronald and Linda back at the apartment so they could pick up Lauren's dress and veil. Josh had never seen the dress and Lauren wanted to make sure it was a surprise for the wedding.
Anxious to arrive in Frankfort as soon as possible after Dad, we hopped in the truck and headed up to the mansion. We had no makeup on, our hair was not done, and we were dressed in jersey dresses. I had flip flops on and looked like the biggest redneck ever. It was so humid I didn't want to get ready until I arrived at the mansion, because I was afraid my make-up would melt off my face. That is how humid it was.
Leaving early was a blessing and curse. We got in a car accident about five miles from my mom's apartment. As if this wasn't bad enough, we rear-ended a Krispy Kreme doughnut truck. Who does that anyway? Since the accident the first question people ask is, "did you get any free doughnuts?" I just look at them like, are you crazy? Who can eat after their in a car accident? I was so shaken the last thing on my mind was food.

The most ironic thing about the entire episode was the driver climbed out of the truck, approached my window and introduced himself by saying, "Hello, my name is Clayton Howell." What the hell is that? Now the ass is trying to say he sustained injuries from the accident. Like hell he did. Anyone can tell by looking at our truck that we suffered the most on impact. My neck has been stiff ever since and he says he was injured? Men.

Lucky for us, Lauren was still in Lexington and was able to pick us up on the way to the mansion. In all the confusion I left my bag with my curling iron, shoes, and other essential things in the truck which was being towed to a body shop. I arrived at the mansion looking like a mess, while all the other bridesmaids were dressed and ready for photos. After the maid-of-honor thrust a bouquet at me and told me it was time to take photos I lost it. Luckily, the bride and bridesmaids were not present so only my family and Shia bore the brunt. Steph was also ready and willing to calm me down over the phone. I don't know what I would do without her.

Minus shoes and a curling iron one of the bridesmaids offered me her spare pare of black heels, which were so uncomfortable I almost fell three times walking through the grass toward the preachers. It was horrible. My Uncle Ronald caught it all on video too so now everyone who was not able to see how awkward Amber is can enjoy it forever. This is why I quickly changed into the flip flops above after the ceremony.
The wedding planners found me a curling iron and once my hair was done, I was in business. The ceremony was beautiful. Shia did a reading and Lauren and Josh exchanged vows they had written for each other. Lauren's was very sweet and sincere while Josh's vows resembled a sociology lecture on the importance and economic benefits of marriage. This is why I love my brother. I can't say I would not have done the same thing.

The wedding colors were black and white, accented by turquoise, which may sound a little odd but it was really lovely. The tables looked fantastic, if I do say so myself. The dj was perfect, the playlist was phenomenal, the food was delicious and my dance partner was incredibly fun and so charming. Even my mother danced for most of the evening.

The first dance of the night however, was reserved for Lauren and Josh. They chose The Glory of Love, from Karate Kid II as their song. I loved it! Josh did what he always does, sang to Lauren without reservation while they were dancing. His law school friends laughed and cheered. It was so cool. She just laughed. The rest of the evening was nothing but 80's and everyone loved it.

Instead of having bubbles, throwing rice, or bird seed, Lauren had everyone wave batons with ribbons attached to them. I love this idea and think this is how it should be. It's a lot less messy. I also think sparklers are something more people should use at weddings. They are safe and very romantic.

The wedding planners had us all line up on either side of the entrance to wait for Josh and Lauren. A white Bentley with a driver dressed in an English tux was waiting for them. I couldn't believe it. I totally got a photo with the driver beside the car before the couple emerged. I can't wait to see the photo. I hope it's a good one.

After we saw the newlyweds off, Denisha, Rodney, Mom and I went over to the Sprouls to see their baby Bentley and Denisha's mom Christy. I love them all so much and was so grateful for the opportunity to see them. Bentley is growing so fast and she is one of the most photogenic babies I have ever known. I don't think it's possible for her to take a bad photo. I am sure having a professional photographer for a mother helps. Rodney was kind enough to give us a ride home since we didn't have transportation and that was my August 4th. My brother got married eight years to the day that I went into the MTC. I have always said since my mission that the most important events in my life happen on the fourth or twenty-fourth of each month. It's true. Here's to Josh and Lauren. May they have a happy marriage, and remain the most magical and wondrous couple unlike any other in the universe.

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