
Due to my recent move I was unable to post this on Friday. I apologize for the delay. I realize it's not Friday, but I actually began writing this post on Friday, with the intention to post on the correct date but was distracted by my Father, Corey and packing.

As you may have guessed, these are photos of me as a baby. My parents and I were living in Ogden, Utah at the time. My mother decided to enter me into a baby contest, scheduled as part of the local Pioneer Day festivities. I am not sure how accurate that information is because that would date these photos as July 24, 1979. I was born July 1, 1978. That means I would have been a little over a year old. I don't know much about babies but I don't think I look one in this photo.

As these photos demonstrate, I was not the cutest baby in the batch. So, instead of sending me home empty-handed, the judges awarded me "The Happiest Baby." We still have the contest ribbon packed away with my baby clothes and my mother loves to tease me about how my character has changed since then. Today, according to her, I would be anything BUT the Happiest (add your own noun here). In return, I tease after living with her "x" number of years it would be difficult to be happy. I love my Mom!
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