Flashback Friday
In the order they occurred:
--Thank you Random Budget Guy!
--Did you see that girl with the mohawk eating the giant pickle?
--Don't worry folks! It's just a little shot in the shorts.
--You should have seen my Mom at the Depeche Mode concert in Paris.
--Mint flavored beans? I don't want to go there.
--Oh. my. Lord. That's the Holy Grail of Food! Quiet! It may run away!
These are just a few highlights from our weekend. I'll leave you with a picture of how we roll.
Writing this from the SLC airport where the guy next to me is having a loud conversation with his wife about the bill from the ditch digger. Let me tell you, I'm happy I don't work for that guy!
I stayed up all night last night and I'm exhausted this morning. I'm not exactly sure how I'm going to pull it together to be a normal human tonight--but I'm sure I'll manage! I'm looking forward to the energy of a city again. Last night I was talking to Charlie and he noted to me what a vast area DFW is. I can't wait!!
Concert tickets are printed, flights have commenced, the car rental rendezvous is arranged and we're ready to rock Dallas!
Tomorrow morning, bright and early, Gwen and I leave to go watch these guys in Dallas. The only thing that could improve this trip would be Boo with me! I'm so stoked to go to a show. Seems like ages since I've been rocked to my core by bass. Mmmmm.
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