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An adjective my colleague shared with me last weekend. I love it.

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Naming your baby girl Wintagious after a casino advertisement.

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Jerry's Pre-Inauguration Photos

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While I was busy hitting the gym and seeing Bride Wars, ALONE, my Uncle Jerry was taking part in one of the greatest events in American history. Although I am excited for him, and all my friends who are attending inaugural events, I am also green with envy. I wish I could have extended my trip. Agh!!!
Here is photo documentation of Jerry's presence at the concerts. Don't you love his glasses and gerri-hat?

The Queen B, Beyonce Knowles. I am so crazy jealous!

The Boss

I love this photo of the Obama family. Thanks Uncle Jerry for sharing this day with me. Have fun at the Inauguration tomorrow!

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Eighteenth Century Burial

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Photo Courtesy Perry Boudreaux
The Moran burial site, located at the intersection of Porter Avenue and Highway 90 (north of the Biloxi Lighthouse) has yielded remains of a French colonial settlement and cemetery. Multiple burials of adult males, believed to be former convicts, have been discovered on site. This afternoon, our ELO, Perry Boudreaux photographed the latest find; a male convict whose left hand was missing. Evidence suggests his hand was intentionally severed.
For additional information (thank you, Paul Drummond) regarding the Moran site see:

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Sara Genn--Surrender

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I'm so in love with this song I can't begin to tell you. Well, the album really. You can hear the song by clicking on the link above. It's the first one playing there.


I'm tired of all my sad stories, I'm finished with my fear, I'm going kamikaze in the New Year.
I close my eyes to remember where your lashes meet your cheeks, I stay in bed all afternoon.
Surrender, surrender, surrender, get some pleasure from my...

I found your old photograph, I remember you in it, but mostly I remember myself when I took it.
Another year is folding up and all the stars you see above are stars I still haven't met yet.
Surrender, surrender, surrender, get some pleasure from my...
Pleasure, get some pleasure, get some pleasure, get some.

'Cause endings and beginnings are for people who love winning and ours is a cold world.
There's a course in miracles, I'm thinking of enrolling 'cause I'm not playing this game anymore.
I surrender, surrender, surrender, get some pleasure from my...

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