For Joy

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Steph and I have this amazing friend named Joy. Joy is the kind of person that makes you feel so much cooler because you know her. She is always up on the latest news, books, fashion...everything. Today she posted the link to a website where Jane Austen Fight Club (JAFC) fans can order these clever t-shirts. Tonight I ordered the one pictured above. I can't wait to wear it! I'm not sure I will ever be able to think about Jane Austen without automatically adding the words "fight club" afterword. Either way, I think the ol' gal would be proud.

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Tonight, while on the phone with Steph, I noticed this article posted on Yahoo. In short, its a measure of Americans' knowledge regarding religion. I believe we had similar responses which echoes the title of this post; "Duh."
In case you're wondering, the poll shows Mormons ranked highest when quizzed about religion. Was anyone actually surprised by this finding? Duh!

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Don't Let This Picture...

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fool you. They may seem like innocent felines but after dark they are serial killers. Ever since Little Bit made an appearance Zu has been on a killing spree. I don't know if she's taking her frustration out on the mice and other vermin or if she is feeling insecure and trying to assert her place at the Cat Farm. Either way, Zu is on a killing frenzy. Every day I was home she left a mouse on the deck outside Dad's bedroom door. We thought the killing may cease after I returned to Biloxi but it hasn't. Zu has become a serial mouse killer and I'm afraid there's no end in sight. Reports of Zu's macabre nature are a daily occurrence now. I almost feel sorry for the mouse who crosses paths with this sleeping giant. And don't get me started on Hunter Mary. Her tracking skills are legendary. No mouse is safe with this duo in their midst.
We are so lucky to have Mary and Zu with us at the Cat Farm. It wouldn't be the same without them. I love my girls and can't wait to see them again. Until then, I will have to be satisfied with Dad's stories of their prowess.

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Portland Does Preservation

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Just in case you missed it, Portland's Hung Far Low restaurant sign has finally be re-erected and is making preservation news. For more information about the history of Hung Far Low restaurant and the sign's return to Portland's skyline click on the link included below.

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In the Beginning...

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her name was Goliath. Dad, not realizing that he was actually a she, named this tiny undernourished orphaned kitten after the famous giant who terrified King Saul's armies. This changed however when I discovered Goliath was a girl. Thus began a brainstorm of female names fit for this kitten. Although I called her Chloe for most of the trip, by the time I left the Cat Farm our guest had already given her another name, Little Bit, which Dad seems to like because he has started using it.
It doesn't matter what you call her, half the time she's so busy playin' or messin' she doesn't hear you, which is amazing considering the size of her ears in relation to the rest of her body. She hasn't met a stranger yet. She loves everyone and shows her love by climbing all over them. I think if Mary and Zu would allow it she'd climb on them too.

Her presence at the Cat Farm has definitely changed things. Toys Mary and Zu no longer find interesting captivate the kitten. The first time I brought out "pink mouse" for the kitten to play with Zu immediately let her know the toy belonged to her. Mary and Zu swat at the kitten so often I joke that its Cat Farm fight club.
Although Dad groans about another cat, we only have three (not counting Black cat who comes and goes), I think our little addition is good for all of us. She reminds us how essential charity is. That when someone or something is in need we should be willing to reach out and share our resources to help them. She reminds us of the blessing of youth and how important it is to notice and appreciate little things. She also teaches us the importance of patience, forgiveness and perseverance. No matter how many times Mary and Zu swat at her, it never deters kitten from doing what she wants to do nor does she swat Mary and Zu in return. After their finished hissing and swatting, kitten just returns to what she was doing.
I miss Dad and the cats everyday but on Sundays when I am sitting alone, with little to do, I miss them even more. I can't wait to go back in October and see how Chloe, Little Bit, Itty Bitty, whatever you want to call her has grown. Even kitten can't stay little forever.

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Birthplace of Barq's

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Ever wonder where Barq's root beer was first bottled? The answer is found on a historic marker located on the right front corner of the Biloxi Artesian Bottling Works building located on Lee Street in Biloxi, Mississippi. Edward C. Barq bottled his root beer in this building from the 1890's-1930's. During the thirties Barq moved his operation to Lemeuse Street located only a few streets away from Lee. Barq's operation was eventually purchased, according to the marker, by The Coca-Cola Company and is currently consumed by every LDS missionary that steps across the threshold of my condo for a dinner appointment each month. When I saw the building I immediately thought of them.
I wonder if the City of Biloxi has ever considered partnering with The Coca-Cola Company to convert the structure into a museum that interprets the bottling process. It could be a smaller satellite version of The World of Coke in Atlanta and would be a fantastic tourist destination for hundreds, perhaps even, thousands of Gulf Coast residents. It would also be a great opportunity for The Coca-Cola Company to exert more influence on the Coast by aiding in revitilizing Biloxi's cultural past post-Katrina. I can totally see it. What about you?

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