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AP/Reno Gazette-Journal, Andy Barron

This morning, before going to work, an article on Yahoo caught my eye. You may seen it. It was about Stewie the new record holder for the world's longest cat. Stewie is a Maine Coon which, according to the article, is a breed often referred to as "gentle giants." Measuring forty-eight and a half inches Stewie snatched the title from a fellow feline, also a Maine Coon who measures just a half of an inch shorter than Stewie. Will Stewie's record be broken?
For those interested in reading the article, I included the link.

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World Equestrian Games 2010

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Kentucky is currently hosting the World Equestrian BoldGames for the first time in history. The state has been planning this for years. I wanted to go so badly but last month had to make a decision between being home for the BoldGames which would have conflicted with Dad's trip for Cruisin' Italicthe BoldCoast, or flying home for Halloween. I decided to postpone my trip so I can be home for the holiday.
Fortunately, NBC is broadcasting a few events on Sunday afternoons. Watching the beautiful horses and their skilled riders makes my heart long for home. I have been in Mississippi far longer than I ever anticipated. It has been a great twenty-nine months but its not home.
I am so proud of my home state for hosting these games. I think they are doing a fine job of representing the United States to horse lovers around the world.

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Snakes and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails

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I enjoy shopping. A lot. I can devote hours to it each week. Grocery shopping, clothes shopping, shopping for kitchenware, groceries, you name it, I enjoy it. I even enjoy shopping for baby clothes. This trend began after I received a hope (currently referred to as the hopeless) chest from my Dad when I was in middle school. My Mom and I would occasionally peruse the baby clothes at department stores searching for bargain items I could store in my chest until the day I would need them. That day, as we all know, has yet to arrive. Nonetheless, I can still be spotted at Baby Gap or Gymboree looking at the tiny onesies with little duckies or boats embroidered on the chest.

With the recent discovery Josh and Lauren will be having a baby boy I decided to stop at Pippen Lane on Magazine Street in New Orleans to do a little shopping. I am so glad I did. Did you know Brad and Angelina have shopped at Pippen Lane? This did not influence my decision to shop at this particular establishment. It was a fact I learned this evening while doing an online search for the image above.

I included this photo because its one of the three onesies I purchased today for the baby. I think it will be perfect for hanging out on the farm. I also picked up two burp cloths. One is red with white polka dots and the other, which is my favorite, has airplanes and hot air balloons. If you are looking for cute and colorful baby clothes check out Zutano and Infantissima, labels available online and at retailers like Pippen Lane.
The Children's Cottage in Mobile, Alabama is also a great childrens' boutique. I found a few things there for Clara's baby boy, Anderson a few years ago. I liked the little sweater so much I would like to find something similar for Josh and Lauren's baby.
I anticipate many opportunities to shop for the new baby so, if anyone knows of other cute kiddie boutiques, especially in or around Lexington, Kentucky I would love to hear about them.

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"Book 'em Danno!"

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NCIS is still my favorite show but I LOVE Hawaii 5-0. The cast is great, the scenery gorgeous and the storyline compelling. Kudos to CBS for resurrecting a classic television drama that rivals the original series.

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Viking Classic 2010

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Italic On Friday, Dad and I headed to Madison, Mississippi for the second day of the Viking Classic. The tournament is played at Annandale, which is a lovely course located just outside Jackson. Parking near the 16th hole, Dad and I headed over to the Leaderboard to check out the players and their positions.
I was pleased to learn Bill Haas was in the lead at 14 under. Wanting to catch a glimpse of the leader, we decided to hang out at the 17th hole until he arrived. This was my first PGA event, and I have to admit, I was a little star struck. Bill Haas, pictured above, maintained the lead Saturday and Sunday to win the Viking Classic. Hooray!
The club house at Annandale is lovely. Although we did not have club house passes I was able to get a few shots of the exterior. I especially like this photo of the rear facade which overlooks the 18th hole.
Before leaving the tourney, Dad and I were able to watch David Duval and John Daly tee off at the 18th. John Daly, pictured in the photo above, wearing the yellow shirt, is an entertaining athlete to watch. After driving his ball into the water he proceeded to curse, as Dad said, "in front of God and everyone," right there at the tee box. Once he confirmed that his ball was indeed lost, he reacted by kicking his golf bag a few times. Although Daly was 1 under when we saw him, he finished the tourney at 5 over, which prevented him from making the cut and finishing the tournament.
Due to the distance that separates Jackson from Biloxi, Dad and I had to leave earlier than we wanted to. However, I am grateful for the opportunity I had to experience my first PGA event with my Dad who loves the game and has patiently encouraged and coached me since I was old enough to swing a club. A memory to cherish forever, I will never forget the Viking Classic.

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Neville Longbottom...

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the shy, dumpy kid befriended by Harry Potter at Hogwarts was the inspiration for naming the newest member of the Cat Farm. Short, dumpy, with a long bottom, we felt the name was a perfect fit. Neville is also a nod to Joshie's first Cabbage Patch Kid who was named Berry Neville. Yes, my baby brother had a Cabbage Patch Kid before I did. No, he will never live it down.
According to Dad, Neville loves sliding down the incline in front of the house on his back, face first. He also loves for people to rub his belly. He'll roll over onto his back and whimper until he gets his way. At this point, Dad will say, "Cry for me Neville," and, of course, he does.

I am so excited that our little farm is growing. The cats will always be the foundation but there is plenty of room and I can't wait until the day cows, sheep, donkeys, and alpacas will roam the hills of the Cat Farm. Until then, I hope Neville parks his bottom on the farm for a long time.

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