The Search is Over

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I love makeup. I do. I love testing it. I love talking about it. I love buying it and I love wearing it. I am also a creature of habit. Once I find something that works I stick with it. For example, I have been wearing the same shade and type of powder since high school. Unfortunately, I have not had the same luck finding a blush that works for me. Since puberty, every blush I brushed across my cheeks left behind a trail of acne. Yuck!

That ended last weekend when I purchased a compact of Chanel's Joues Contraste blush. The shade is Rose Petale and I love it. I have been wearing it for over a week and so works!

A colleague suggested I try Chanel when I told her about my experience with blush breakouts. Her daughter, who has a skin condition, wears Chanel because it is the only makeup that works for her skin.

So...if you're looking for makeup that works for sensitive skin, search no further than your closest Chanel counter. Your pocketbook might regret it but your skin won't.

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