Moonrise Kingdom

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Saw Moonrise Kingdom Saturday with Joshie and Lauren at the Kentucky Theatre. Typical Wes Anderson film about teenage angst. Probably would have appreciated the film more if I could have heard the dialogue better. Love the Kentucky Theatre but the sound quality was substandard for this film showing. Costumes were perfect. Appreciate Ed Norton but thought Jason Schwartzman would have been a better fit for his role. Glad I saw it. Might see it again. I would recommend skipping the big screen for a Netflix or a Redbox rental.

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Saw it. Loved it. Bawled through the end of it. Avoid seeing this movie if you have recently lost a loved one. Happy the emphasis was on family relationships instead of romance. Enjoyed all the characters. Laughed out loud in parts. Appreciate Kevin McKidd was the voice of Lord MacGuffin. Think they should have renamed his character Lord McKidd or just Kidd which sounds much better than MacGuffin.
If you are trying to escape the heat and humidity buy a ticket, a large Coke and settle down in a cool, dark theatre for this flick. You won't regret it.

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