The Face of Heaven

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As those of us, whom you left behind, anticipated and discussed this day, I asked Stephanie if it would be appropriate for me to post your photo on our blog. She consented.
Last Sunday, the anniversary of Hair Washing day, I mentioned you in my talk. So many people remember you. Your life and memory has influenced so many people for good. Stephanie shared the talk with your Mom and Dad. Later that evening your Mom called. We talked about the hospital, how much you loved life, how many friends you have, and made future plans to see each other. You have such a beautiful family. Thanks for sharing them with me. They miss you so much and are striving to live worthy of seeing you again. God be thanked for the power of the priesthood, that binds us together as families, in holy temples.
I recently finished a book titled Make Gentle the Life of This World. Basically, its a compliation of Robert Kennedy's thoughts and favorite quotes. When I read this excerpt from Romeo and Juliet I thought of you.
...when she shall die,

Take her and cut her in little stars,

And she will make the face of heaven so fine

That all the world will be in love with night

and pay no worship to the garish sun.

You are not forgotten.


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Stephanie said...

Thank you, sweetheart.

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