Two Years!!

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Tonight Rae and I celebrated our two year anniversary. I can't believe its been that long. It seems like yesterday.
I distinctly remember the emotions I felt sitting in the back seat of a cab, nervously making small talk with the driver, looking out over the Potomac, tears streaming down my cheeks thinking, "Oh Lord what have I done?"
I couldn't go back to Georgia because I had nowhere to live. Kentucky was not an option because really, there is nothing for me there. Well, there wasn't anything at the time.
I kept trying to call Jerry but he did not answer. I didn't have a key to his flat (where I would live for the next two months) so I had no idea what I would do if he wasn't home. Not that Dupont is a sketchy area but I knew how stupid I would look and feel if I were sitting outside a rowhouse with a suitcase. As the taxi pulled to the curb, Jerry came down the steps put his arms around me and welcomed me to my new home.
I'm not going to say life in DC has been roses. It hasn't. Graduate school has been a challenge and life in Langley has not been easy either. I have learned some pretty difficult lessons regarding relationships of all sorts; not just romantic ones, but all those have sucked big time too. I know I would have never survived if it hadn't been for Stephanie, her family, and my other friends, Rae, Gwen, later Kate, Kim, Tara, Anne, Valerie, the list goes on. I know I don't express my gratitude for their friendship as often as I should but I love you all. I love you for who you are and the examples you have set for me. You are all such strong, patient, faithful women and I aspire to me more like you in so many ways.
To say that I am not the same person I was when I moved here is an understatement. I'm not sure this transformation has been an entirely positive one but everything happens for a reason, no? Despite all my flaws I have been so blessed, especially where my friends are concerned, and I hope these two years will be the prelude to a lifetime of shared accomplishments, desires, memories, heartaches and heartbreaks.
Vive la RAGS!

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tara said...

i'm so glad we got you!!

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