As many of my friends and co-workers know, I served for 18 months as a missionary guide on Temple Square. Although I have been tempted to imagine what my life would be like now, if I had not served a mission, I always come to the same conclusion; I am so grateful I made the decision to serve the Lord in that capacity. It has blessed my life in so many ways and continues to do so.
Staring at the walls of the Salt Lake temple everyday for at least thirteen months, in all types of weather conditions, at all hours of the day, I gained an affinity for that temple that I will always treasure. As my mission progressed the temple became more than a structure of stone and wood, an inanimate object. It was rather, an organic entity, with a physical presence that embodied and imbued power to other living organisms. This perception strongly influenced my desire to dedicate my graduate studies and subsequent profession to the preservation of historic structures. As I witnessed the connection individuals experienced with the history, made more tangible, because an existing, physical element of the past was present, increased my appreciation for history and its artifacts.
In comparison to the Salt Lake temple, the Washington temple is relatively new. Yet a familiar spirit is present on both grounds. Since moving to the Washington area, I have not been able to attend the temple as often as I would wish. This week, I had the opportunity to be on the grounds twice. Tonight I took a few photos of one of the loveliest examples of architecture in Washington, even if the interior design and furnishings are not to my taste.

This weekend I also attended Stake Conference where many of the talks focused on temple attendance and the blessings of the temple. One speaker, a return missionary from the Family History Library in Salt Lake, spoke of
Temple Square and the missionaries there. I could not resist reflecting on my own experiences and be grateful for the miracles I witnessed each day as I served others. I feel so blessed to have access to this beautiful building, that functions to instruct individuals about the importance of families and the purpose of life. It truly is what it claims to be, the House of the Lord.
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