Flashback Friday-Late Again

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This was the only professional family photo we ever took. I think I was five or six when the photo was taken. I love my Mom's suite and my Dad's part; so eighties. I wore this suite once to church last Fall, calling it my Napoleon Dynamite suite. To my Mom's delight, I don't look as good in it as she once did.
My Mom is wearing dark nail polish something she would never do now. She only wears coral, pink and red polishes and is usually restricted to warmer months during the Spring and Summer.
I still wear white tights and curl my hair. Joshie still pulls a fake smile for photos and my Dad can still grow a wicked beard. It's comforting to know some things never change.

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Megan Andrea said...

I totaly had that same dress!!!

Boo said...

No way! That's sooo cool! I loved that dress. I think I still have it too tucked away in some storage bin.
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