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The day after the wedding and reception I spent with Kelly Cole. Kelly served in the Atlanta, Georgia mission while I was on Temple Square. Many believe the families of missionaries are often blessed while their missionaries are serving. I know mine was. My mother would spend every Monday with Sister Cole and whoever her companion happened to be that transfer. I was grateful Mom had Kelly to see the city with in my absence.
Kelly is terrific and was perfect for my mother. She knew/knows exactly how to reach my mom. Seven years later, Kelly still keeps in touch, more so with me now than my mother. Each time I fly to Utah I spend at least one night at Kelly's home, which was owned by her grandmother before she died. I lovingly refer to it as Grandma's, instead of Kelly's house.
After seeing Enchanted with Kelly and her mother, Kelly and I drove north of Salt Lake to Ruth's a cool diner nestled in Emigration Canyon.
As a missionary every summer we would drive up Emigration Canyon to hike or hold mission conferences. We would liken our efforts to those of the pioneers who braved the dangerous downhill trek, clearing trees and creating trails as they went. Each trip we passed a small roadside diner simply called Ruth's Diner and each time I imagined what it would be like to eat there and wondered if I would ever have the chance.
As these photos demonstrate, I did! It was terrific. Everything I imagined it would be. The complimentary biscuits were huge. I persuaded Kelly to pose with our plate so I could capture the memory.
I ordered the club and fries, which I didn't come close to finishing, pictured below. More enjoyable than the food was the company. Kelly, I believe, is a friend for life. Our lives and personalities are so similar sometimes I feel as though we are the same person. Normally I would feel threatened by that but with her I don't. She is such a good person, superior to me in so many ways, that I am honored to feel a connection, like the one described, with her.
And she is not the only one I feel that connection to. There are others and each friendship has enriched me in so many ways. I am humbled, at times, when I think about all the friends God has blessed me with. As I begin this new year I look forward to making many additional memories that will strengthen the ties that bind us together.

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