29 and Feeling Fine!

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I realize a week has passed since my birthday but I wanted to post this before additional time had passed. Several posts ago, I mentioned Sarina, Stephanie's younger sister organized a birthday party for me. It was the Friday before Sara Anderson's big day, so Sarina, Mamma Harbour, Christine, Hannah and Sara's mom were there to celebrate. It was perfect! Surrounded by people I love and many who I have not seen in years, we started off the night with "the crowning." Sarina put this Happy Birthday crown on my head, while Mamma Harbour snapped photos.

The first two gifts I received came in zebra-stripped bags with my name on each. They were so small I honestly had no clue what could be inside. Much to my surprise each bag had been carefully stuffed with sexy unnies by Mamma Harbour. The last time I received/purchased sexy unnies was high school, so I was stoked. I will spare our readers the details but I love fun lingerie! Few things make a woman feel like a "real" woman but lingerie is one of them. This gift is a clear reminder of why Sarina, Steph and I are friends. We get each other.
When I explained I had received lingerie, to a girlfriend at church, for my birthday she innocently asked, "Well, are you just going to save it until you are married?" I didn't even answer but I will tell you that life is too short to "save" sexy unnies until marriage. I am saving everything else but I don't have to save the unnies. It's not my fault "my" man isn't around or ready or whatever. The first thing Sarina suggested was exactly what I had planned anyway and I am certain Steph would have suggested the same thing. Again...this is why we are friends and NO I am not divulging what my plan is. If you can't figure it out then you don't deserve to know.

Rina brought out a Tiffany & Co. bag and, due to a conversation we had earlier in the evening I was not expecting a blue box to be inside and sure enough, there was not. Instead there was the coolest blue, plastic ring that lights up when you turn the diamond.

After slipping the blue ring on my finger and posing for a few more photos Sarina jumped up and said, "Oh, I forgot something." Leaving the room for a few moments, she returned with this in hand. THE BOX. The box I have been dreaming of for years and years and years. Being the sissy I am I burst into tears. Sarina just hugged me and with the crown, the crying and hugs I felt like Miss America. It was an incredible feeling.

This was the note attached to the box.

Although I visit the Tiffany website frequently I had no idea rings were packaged in small leather pouches before placed inside the infamous boxes. This pouch is so cute and I love it!

Although this is not the greatest shot, I had to include one of the ring. Each Tiffany ring is designated a number and mine is 925. Being a shameless sign-seeker, I concluded the ring was perfect. Why? Because 9+2+5=16 and 1+6=7. I was born in the seventh month and seven is a lucky number. I received the ring in the seventh year of the 21st century and 21, being my ultimate lucky number is divisible by seven three times. So, in summary, this ring, #925, was destined to be mine. I love you Steph, Sabes, and Mamma Harbour for the amazing gifts. I have never had a birthday like this before--ever. If my 29th birthday is a reflection on the remainder of the year I have so many amazing things to look forward to and I can't wait to get started.

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Stephanie said...

I love it!! You're so fantastic and I can't wait for you to have the most awesome last 20's year ever!!

This year is going to kick booty!!

Joy said...

Um...I'm not sure if I should tell you this but that number is to designate that its 925 silver. Most silver has 925 stamped into them...its to designate that its 92.5% silver. Your supposed to look for the 925 stamp to ensure your silver is really silver.

After I burst your bubble....I'm really envious you now have the box. Seriously happy you got the box.

The Keeffers said...

80) happy birthday again! I am glad you had wonderful birthday. The number is still yours 925 80) even if is just ths silver count.scu

Anonymous said...

My god you're old!

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