Bond Girl B-day

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Although I officially turned 29 at 8:39pm last night, Sarina started the festivities by throwing a party on Friday. It was very intimate with just me and most of the girls who I love dearly. Steph wasn't able to make it but we talked on the phone during the party.
I hate that Sara, Hannah and Christine are already gone and dread the time I have to say goodbye--AGAIN, to Sarina. Everything was perfect. I didn't get photos of the event but Mamma Harbour did so I will blog about it after I get them from her.

Saturday we attended Sara's reception, which I will also blog about later and had a great time. She looked so beautiful in her dress and so happy with her new husband and long time friend.

Yesterday, my official birthday, Rina coerced me into wearing the crown or tiara she bought me on Friday, in church. I did and to my surprise instead of getting weird looks everyone just came up and hugged me. I felt like Miss America. I think every woman should wear a tiara in church at least once. It's fantastic! Plus, the guys seemed to like it.

Because the weather was perfect yesterday Rina and I ditched church early to lay out by the pool. We read the July issues of Lucky and Glamour while working on our tans. We didn't lay out long though because Christy and Sundee invited us over for dinner. I will blog about this later too.

Dinner was delicious, but we couldn't stay long because we were meeting friends at the Harbour's for Scrabble and Trivia Pursuit. Perry kicked our butts at Scrabble. Surprise! Surprise! I also got a copy of Ian Fleming's first Bond Casino Royale, a book I have been meaning to read this summer. Thank You, again!

My co-workers and I celebrated the day by eating lunch at Elevation Burgers. I love it! Located off Lee Highway, it's terrific and the shakes are fabulous. Thinking the festivities had concluded we returned to work. Little did I know, Rhonda had bought a chocolate pie and a cake shaped like a castle. It was so cool! Almost as cool as the beehive cake Sarina got me. Love you Sabes!
The card and the gift, however, were the best part of the entire day! Last Friday, Victoria, a co-worker, took some photos of me for what I believed was a marketing campaign I am involved in. I was so busy working on other things that I didn't even notice or care about what she was doing with the photos.

Today, imagine my surprise, when I get a card with my photo on the front and Sean Connery's on the inside with a caption that reads...well, you can read it (posted above). So cool. My co-workers all signed it and then they handed me my gift. I couldn't believe it. It was the very book I almost purchased last summer at the Spy Museum. What's the saying? "Good things come to those who wait?"
Comparing my photo with Ursala was a more than a little humbling but everyone has to have a dream, no?

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