Noralee's Bertucci Dinner Group
Not only did we gather to share information about job openings but we celebrated Erin's job offer for a position as a university historian in Tennessee. I am not sure who is more fortunate; the university or Erin. Not only will she be able to afford a home but she will be close to family and friends she met as an undergrad. Although I will miss her I am excited she is taking the next step in her professional journey. God only knows when I will be able to take mine. Wish it were tomorrow. Charleston or Bust Baby!
One thing that I mentioned over dinner was how nice it felt to be among women with common academic/professional interests; a feeling I have been deprived of, with the exception of Jacqueline, for seven weeks. Although it was late, after dinner I couldn't resist walking through campus. I miss school. I love working in the academy, whether it be as a teacher's assistant or an executive assistant, I love being on campus, watching students progress, learning new things and meeting new people with new ideas. I relish opportunities to participate and/or listen to ideals being liberally debated in an open forum. That rarely occurs in the workplace and yet, it should.
Two of the women tonight expressed their plans to get a PhD and I honestly envied them. I am not sure if I will ever have the opportunity but provided I ever pay off my student loans I think I will go for it. As a single woman, what do I have to loose? Besides, I have always wanted to wear the regalia, with the puffy robes and marshmallow hats.
It was a lovely evening and I am grateful for the opportunity I had to see Erin again before she moves. With all the friends I made and with the experiences I enjoyed, GW was honestly one of the best choices I have ever made.
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