Noralee's Bertucci Dinner Group

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Tonight I decided to join the ladies from Public History and our Professor, for dinner at Bertucci's. Dr. Frankel was a terrific instructor and has become a great friend since. She is always interested in her students and is constantly willing to assist us in our professional endeavors. I truly admire her and am grateful I took her class my last semester at GW. While working as the Executive Assistant for the Museum Studies Program, I became close with many of the students in the Program. The semester I began, was also Erin's last semester as a student. We quickly bonded over our love for the South and have remained in touch since she left GW.
Not only did we gather to share information about job openings but we celebrated Erin's job offer for a position as a university historian in Tennessee. I am not sure who is more fortunate; the university or Erin. Not only will she be able to afford a home but she will be close to family and friends she met as an undergrad. Although I will miss her I am excited she is taking the next step in her professional journey. God only knows when I will be able to take mine. Wish it were tomorrow. Charleston or Bust Baby!
One thing that I mentioned over dinner was how nice it felt to be among women with common academic/professional interests; a feeling I have been deprived of, with the exception of Jacqueline, for seven weeks. Although it was late, after dinner I couldn't resist walking through campus. I miss school. I love working in the academy, whether it be as a teacher's assistant or an executive assistant, I love being on campus, watching students progress, learning new things and meeting new people with new ideas. I relish opportunities to participate and/or listen to ideals being liberally debated in an open forum. That rarely occurs in the workplace and yet, it should.
Two of the women tonight expressed their plans to get a PhD and I honestly envied them. I am not sure if I will ever have the opportunity but provided I ever pay off my student loans I think I will go for it. As a single woman, what do I have to loose? Besides, I have always wanted to wear the regalia, with the puffy robes and marshmallow hats.
It was a lovely evening and I am grateful for the opportunity I had to see Erin again before she moves. With all the friends I made and with the experiences I enjoyed, GW was honestly one of the best choices I have ever made.

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