A Week Ago Today...
I was sitting seven rows behind home dugout watching the Nationals play the Rockies. The seats were absolutely incredible. Each time I think I can't be more fortunate the next time I attend a game the seats are better than before. It's wonderful having friends, like Scott, who invite you because they know how excited you will be to go. I posted this photo, despite the horribly obvious neck creases, because my eyes look so weird. I have never seen my eyes this shade before.

Jim and I became such good friends he asked me to come see him the next time I attended a game. He showed me the section he usually works and told me I should try to sit there next time. I told him I would do my best.
GEORGE! Again a photo taken with Scott's A-MAZING camera. Don't worry Steph, his doesn't hold a candle to yours. The Presidents hung out in our section for most of the game. One of them even sat down next to a fan, which caused major problems for the fans sitting directly behind them. Their heads are so large it was impossible for the fans to see the game.

The highlight of the game was having the cameraman film us dancing and then Screech blowing kisses at me in front of everyone. I couldn't believe it. I blew kisses back and then he pretended that his heart was beating out of his chest. I felt really special until I saw him do it, although less conspicuously, to another girl.

Although we weren't able to stay for the entire game, we did stay until the top of the eighth. By that time, the Nationals were leading 3-0 and as this photo implies the Rockies had surrendered. Worried that we would miss a come-back I checked ESPN the moment I got back from Nick and Lara's reception. Lucky for us, the score did not change, with the Nationals claiming the victory. Jim predicted the win before we left and said I was the team's good luck charm. I am sure this a common line he shares with fans but it made me feel lucky nonetheless.

Playing around with Scott's camera as we zipped through Southwest, I snapped this self-potrait profile photo, which I kind of like because it shows off my jaw-line. The more I look at it though the more I think I have an oddly shaped head or that I look like an old lady. Either way, we had a fantastic time and made it to the reception with fifteen minutes to spare. Although Lara had changed from her wedding dress into her traveling clothes, Nick was still in his tux and everything looked lovely. I saw an old friend who I haven't seen in years, and was able to see Tara and Anne which is always fun. More on that to come.

Although we weren't able to stay for the entire game, we did stay until the top of the eighth. By that time, the Nationals were leading 3-0 and as this photo implies the Rockies had surrendered. Worried that we would miss a come-back I checked ESPN the moment I got back from Nick and Lara's reception. Lucky for us, the score did not change, with the Nationals claiming the victory. Jim predicted the win before we left and said I was the team's good luck charm. I am sure this a common line he shares with fans but it made me feel lucky nonetheless.

Playing around with Scott's camera as we zipped through Southwest, I snapped this self-potrait profile photo, which I kind of like because it shows off my jaw-line. The more I look at it though the more I think I have an oddly shaped head or that I look like an old lady. Either way, we had a fantastic time and made it to the reception with fifteen minutes to spare. Although Lara had changed from her wedding dress into her traveling clothes, Nick was still in his tux and everything looked lovely. I saw an old friend who I haven't seen in years, and was able to see Tara and Anne which is always fun. More on that to come.
Hey boo!!!! that's all just wanted to say hi. scubagil
Love the pix. Of the Prez's my fave is Teddy though. Such an imp, that Teddy.
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