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A few weeks ago, "M" approached me about being one of the two new poster girls for an advertising campaign the Marketing department is launching for our company. Although the campaign is strictly internal, a poster and video of moi will be seen by designers, engineers, architects, and planners in thirty-five offices around the U.S. It will also be posted on the company's website so those who desire to repeat the experience can simply click on the link and watch me carry a suitcase through a parking lot. Don't ask.
So, in preparation for tomorrow's photo shoot I decided to do a test run on my hair. Ashley and "M" have already decided they will do my makeup so I didn't bother. However, I did volunteer to do my own hair, thinking I might be able to mimic Miss America's "do" in the poster above, which is who I am supposed to resemble tomorrow.

As you can see with bangs and brown eyes I am a far cry from America's poster girl. However, I have faith in photo shop and the Graphics team whose work is truly miraculous. Believe me, it will take nothing shy of a miracle for everything to come together by tomorrow. Wish me luck and Happy Fourth!!!!

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