Field Photo of the Day
As an architectural historian I have the privilege of working outdoors a lot! Not only is it a nice break from the office but it provides many opportunities to explore areas and communities I would not become familiar with otherwise. In an effort to document my time in Biloxi I have decided to post a photo of something interesting we see during our survey each day. After discussing my idea with Amanda and Hugh they agreed to help me identify interesting images to share on this blog.
Our current survey area is located in Pascagoula, Mississippi. Since we work outdoors our work schedule is often determined by the weather. We have been fortunate to have a pretty dry and mild Fall, enabling us to work in the field a lot lately. Today while surveying a home on Lake Avenue Amanda pointed out the banana tree pictured above. It is located on Grove Street, which I failed to notice the previous Friday when we surveyed the area. The tree's fruit I am accustomed to seeing but I have never, until today, noticed the flowers a banana tree produces. Not only are they lovely but a welcome surprise to someone, like me, who is unfamiliar with the foliage common to the Coast.
Cool picture of the banana tree! Good way to document your field work.
Sources say that Captain Hang-Low's doesn't have bananas... Who knew?
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