Excuses, excuses

I got a bit of a talking-to yesterday at work. I've been missing details and, generally, not concentrating enough. Surprise! An ADD girl that can't concentrate? Who ever would have guessed!?

As I was talking to a friend of mine last night about my seemingly eternal quest to finish my undergraduate degree. I expressed to him that I was bored by school and, therefore, usually didn't finish what I'd started. He said, "Sounds like an excuse to me." For a moment I was offended and then I thought, "You know--he may have a point."

There is a certain amount of biology that goes along with the ADD brain. It really is functionally different than a "normal" one. But you know, even with that challenge I've managed to do things that bore me. Why is school such a challenge for me?

I think, perhaps, until recently I haven't been able to picture the ROI that would make me withstand boredom. I'm feeling differently now that I am back in an office setting. In restaurants or kitchens, you don't need a degree. You need to be quick, competent, accurate, personable and confident. I am those things. But I don't want to manage restaurants and kitchens for my entire life. I love them but I'm not willing to work the nights, weekends and long hours that they require. So, back to the office. And here it's a different story. The aforementioned traits can take me only so far. That's becoming more obvious to me the longer I'm here.

I did know these things before, of course, but I was waiting for something--putting off the rest of my life until the time was perfect. Of course, that time will never come. Things will always be in the way. And I need to stop using anything as an excuse. I need to embrace the part of me that won't allow for a "no" and get going.

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