Lindsey Lo, I Mean No-Brainer

In celebration, of Steph's bonus at work we decided to see a movie. In addition, Steph wanted to talk about the "object of her affection," because men are really nothing more than objects, so we did the typical girl activity and saw what I thought was a romantic comedy. Oh no. Although I am often wrong about many things, I hate it. There is nothing worse than being reminded of a horrible decision and tonight that is exactly what happened. For one hour and forty-three minutes I was reminded I had made the worst movie decision of my life. Stephanie and I seriously predicted the entire movie. It was a no-plot, no-brainer flick. I don't mind Lindsey Lo-Lo but man, I wasn't the only one who made a bad choice. If I were her I would seriously think about getting a new agent. Perhaps she is trying to gain a following among younger uh, children maybe? I don't know.
Stephanie and I tried to identify a plot but alas we believe there wasn't one. For our readers who are not familiar with Lindsey's new acheivement, if it can be called that, its titled Just My Luck. Lindsey plays a young woman who enjoys a life filled with nothing but good luck. Its not even good, its unrealistic. She lives in a huge NYC flat, meets "sexy men" who take her to professional basketball games, and wears Dolce and Gabbana dresses. All this and she's what? 18? Lindsey's luck changes when she meets the unluckiest man ever. After dancing with him for one minute she kisses this guy. Doesn't know his name, the song isn't even over and bam, she's locking lips with a total stranger. What does this teach young girls? Aghh.
Immediately following the kiss, everything in Ms Lohan's life goes badly. Sound familiar ladies? Her first mistake was trusting and kissing a man she had just met. Lucky for her, he tried to redeem himself later. The last five minutes of the movie is nothing but kissing. Lucky for us it was $5.oo movie night at the theatre. For those interested, $5.00 movie night ended tonight, but will resume once the summer ends and kiddies are back in school. A fact that makes me incredibly excited about reproducing. I can already see the benefits; ruining movie night for members of mankind who are destined to spend mortality ALONE.
As we were walking out of the theatre I almost tripped, and got popcorn on the bottom of my shoe. This makes me wonder if its bad luck to see the movie. I promised Stephanie I would monitor my behavior over the week, if the bad luck continues then we have vowed to endure the movie again in the hopes my luck will be reversed. Maybe that is how the director plans to make a profit on this venture. Curse all those who watch it so they will have to spend money to see it again reversing the spell. The fact that Stephanie would agree to sit through this movie again, if I have lost whatever luck I had, reminds me how lucky I am to have her as a friend.

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