Field Photo 4.13.2010
I am not sure what I would name the home if given the opportunity but I love the octagonal dormer that projects on the half story, the brick pier foundation visible in the rear, the white clapboard siding, the green operational shutters, the two tapered columns on the wraparound porch, the Queen Anne entry door with single-light transom and the decorative brackets beneath the eaves.
Ms. Carver, an elderly lady that lives a few houses down, told us the postman used to occupy this house and he would blow a whistle to warn people he was approaching their house to deliver mail. Knowing this, perhaps an appropriate name for the house would be, "Whistler's Corner" or "The Postman's Perch." I am curious to hear others' thoughts or suggestions. If this was your historic home what would you name it?
I kind of like the house being identified by number and street. Reminds me of the house George Bailey throws rocks at and later lives in on "It's a Wonderful Life."
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