Following Daddy's
What are three LDS girls to do on a Friday night in Atlanta? Well, Will, who didn't know we were Mormon, suggested we hang at Swinging Richards or other strip clubs. This is where my flirtation with Will abruptly ceased. Steph and I agree it is a little suspicious for a man to encourage women to go to a strip club. We even think Will may have been swinging the other way.
I, being the boring homebody I am, suggested we call it an evening but Desiree and Marlise wanted to go out. Thinking that dancing would be fun we called around to see if anything was happening. Our answer; a church dance at the Brockett building. Marlise jokes Brockett reminds her of Sprockett from SNL. The only thing exciting about this dance, for me, was seeing a few people I attended church with at the Mt Park Singles Branch and being close to where I used to live. Other than that, I abhor church dances. They are absolute torture. Its like reliving middle school dances all over again. Guys in one corner girls dancing in groups and acting ridiculous for three hours on the floor. I can't believe church dances continue to exist.
I snapped the photo above during the dance. This group of guys played video games the entire night. Not once did I see any of them ask a girl to dance. If I were in charge of the world, or at least church dances, that would not be allowed. Capeche?
Being the oldest chickens on the dance floor Marlise, Desi and I showed those spring chickens what it meant to "drop it like its hot." Well, actually it was more like Marlise and Desi. I spent most of my time chatting with old friends. When the dance lagged, because Keith has really bad taste in music, we entertained ourselves by taking photos. We really aren't that vain.
When the dance was over we headed back to Marlise's for some hot chocolate by the fire. Marlise, being the perfect hostess, tucked me in, piling a ton of blankets and even a beach towel on top of me so I wouldn't get cold. We talked for most of the night, sharing stories, talking about past relationships and then about the future. Desiree fell asleep long before Marlise and I ended our conversation but it was great to catch up. The next morning we celebrated St. Patty's Day with smoothies. Marlise makes the best smoothies hands down and she even surprised us by putting them in St. Patty's Day glasses. The green straws were the perfect addition. Since Desiree and I didn't get out of bed until 11 am we had to scramble to get ready. Jenny's sealing was scheduled for 12:30 and Desiree had to be at the Temple by noon.
Standing outside Marlise's building I snapped one last photo as we said our goodbyes. Good friends are more precious than gold and Marlise is definitely one of those. Although Atlanta will not be her home much longer I sincerely hope our paths will cross again. Whether it be in Utah or Canada, I'm not sure but one thing I do know, with this girl, I am guaranteed a good time.
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